Posts tagged studio
Life Lately: November

"'s me..." Sorry, but these Adele lyrics have been running through my mind all week and I think it's about time to get them down on "paper". Fitting somehow for this post coming weeks late. Life has been filled to the brim with preparations for my upcoming market. So yes, I begin with this small announcement to come and see me at

The Vintage Barn Market
Saturday, November 28, 9am-4pm
Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall
12460 Harris road, Pitt Meadows

Other tidbits that have happened this month: 

1. Some cozying up with candles, scripture and my favourite breakfast, farro porridge with blueberries

2. I try to get the bed made every morning because it helps me feel more organized, but this seems to be the common theme these days. When the sun is casting such beautiful light on the unmade sheets, I don't seem to mind as much. 

3+4. I've got to spend a little time with my smallest nephews, and have very much enjoyed snuggling the newest and littlest, Beckham Jett, born on November 13. 

5. Studio life. The ever-revolving paintings on the wall, lists, deadlines, half-finished projects. 

6. Getting ready for Christmas. It's kind of coming without me even realizing it, but I managed to remember to paint some holiday themed foliage to adorn Christmas tags that I'll be selling at upcoming markets.

7. With holiday preparations come holiday packages. I was so excited to send off this house illustration Christmas gift!

Studio Scenes of August

Wow. I'm not so sure how August went by so quickly, but somehow we're into September already. Sigh. I was hoping to hold onto summer a bit longer but it appears Fall has decided to come to the west coast without much warning. So many things happened this summer, especially in August, so I would like to share some of those with you! I'm finding it difficult to update the blog regularly with how busy I am, so you can expect small updates here and there, as I continue about my busyness. Here are a few things going on in my life: 

Jenni Haikonen's studio.jpg

Studio Work: I don't have a picture for this one, but this summer, I started working in the studio of Grace Lee of Eikcam Ceramics as a studio assistant! I've been wanting to work as a studio assistant for a while and this job just kind of happened upon me (God was working behind the scenes on that one!). I have never done ANYTHING with ceramics, so being hired was kind of a miracle and I feel so grateful for the opportunity to learn a new skill (all while being paid!). So far, it's definitely been a real learning curve- my hands are learning to work in ways they haven't before and I've made quite a few mistakes, but I'm confident it will become more natural the more I do. If you're interested in seeing some of Grace's beautiful pieces visit her website or follow along on instagram!

Illustration: I haven't been working as much illustration this summer while I've been focusing more on acrylic canvas paintings, but there have been a few projects on the go. I submitted a piece for Maker's Movement magazine which will be coming out in January. It feels really exciting to know that I will be seeing a illustration of mine in print for the first time. I have also been working on a submission for another print publication. At this point, it's just a possibility, but even the possibility feels pretty darn good. I have also received a few requests for commissions, but my calendar is still open, so if you would like to have a custom house portrait done or if you have another idea for commission, I'm all ears! Throw me your ideas and get on on the bandwagon. Hint: Christmas is a-comin'....

Paintings: I've been moving in a new (or old?) direction and working on a ton of paintings over the past while. I'm finding a whole lot of freedom in my painting days. After starting my 100 Day Project, I began to realize that I have missed expressing emotion through paint. I'm thankful that I felt nudged to start again. I've been experimenting a bit with combining watercolour and acrylic and I'm loving the effects that are forming. All of the current canvas pieces I'm working on are for sale and I'll be posting them in my shop as I get around to it. If you are interested in anything you see here or on my instagram, shoot me a line at and I can give you the details. 

100 Day Project: Speaking of my 100 day project...I've currently got some prints on order for the above paintings! They've been selling like hotcakes (and I'm not even sure what that phrase means). I've been taking pre-orders on these ones, but the listings should be going up in about a week in my shop. These are limited edition 5x7 prints which means that there will only be 10 prints made and once they are all sold, they will not be re-printed. They will be printed on 310gsm watercolour acid-free paper to have the same quality of the original painting. Each will be signed and numbered on the front. Please contact me if you would like to place a hold on one of these prints before they are listed in the shop!

Etsy: Other things selling around the Bottomley Cottage shop- these 5x7 Morning Glory prints and I just sent off another 8x10 Sailboat Print last week! One of my favourite things of the whole online shop process is packaging each print off to send. I'm always looking for new ways to make my packaging prettier - it makes it so fun to send out mail. Let me send you some mail- I'd love to do it! :)

Other Studio Scenes:

My Bedroom Studio
 One of my business goals this year is to blog at least once per week. The goal hasn't felt all that daunting, except when it actually comes down to putting a post together. Especially on a day like today, when I have no energy and blogging is the last thing I feel like doing. But I do have something to share, nonetheless. My week last week was spent working hard on a commission and on my Etsy shop. I'm planning a few new things for the shop this year. And I already did add a special one-of-a-kind item, but you may have missed it because it sold within hours! I'll be adding more, though, so keep your eyes peeled! 

The week before, I was able to organize my work space to actually get some work done on my desk (which had been previously acting as the catch-all table). Because of our limited income and lack of apartment space, we had to get creative with my "studio". So here's a little peek into where I work. M rescued the table before it was thrown in the trash from his work this summer and redid it to make it a beautiful treasure of a desk. We carved out an area in our bedroom where I can work without the hassle of cleaning everything up when guests come over ;). I'm still working on filling the blank space on the wall, but so far, I'm loving my little studio. Some day, I'll need something bigger, but for now, it is the perfect space to work. Oh and what was I working on? Well, here's a teaser...